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The City is updating the community plan in order to help shape the future of Clairemont for the next 20 years.​
The Clairemont Community Plan Update will serve as the long-range vision for land use, mobility, urban design, public facilities and services, natural resources, historic and cultural resources and economic development. This plan update envisions the development of active, pedestrian-oriented areas to support opportunities for homes, jobs, and mixed-use development near transit. The plan update also focuses on retail and employment centers, residential areas, parks and public spaces, and bus rapid and light rail stations. The Community Plan Update envisions a mobility network that serves vehicles and encourages walking, bicycling and transit use. It acknowledges the natural network of canyons and open spaces as an integral part of the community.
This initiative focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan.

Create Homes for all of Us
Focuses opportunities for housing within mixed-use and residential areas.

Protect & Enrich Every Neighborhood
Protects canyons and open space as sensitive habitat.
Identifies opportunities for public spaces and pocket parks, trails, and joint-use facilities.
Provides guidance for the future identification and preservation of historical resources and districts that embody architectural and cultural history.

Advance Mobility & Infrastructure
Identifies mobility infrastructure opportunities that improve connectivity for people walking, rolling, biking and using transit.

Champion Sustainability
Promotes opportunities for urban greening and streets trees to address stormwater runoff and climate change.
Protects canyons, open space and sensitive habitats.

Foster Regional Prosperity
Promotes the Rose Canyon/Creek Industrial Corridor as an emerging employment center connected to regional transit.
Project News
October 12, 2023
Project Status
City Planning staff continues to work on a discussion draft of a revised draft Clairemont Community Plan, incorporating input from the wider community and Planning Commission. The City Planning Department will share the revised draft community plan for feedback before it is updated and presented to the City Council for consideration. Check back here for more updates.
March 15, 2023
Project Status
The revised Draft Clairemont Community Plan Update will incorporate input received from the Community Plan Update Subcommittee and the Planning Commission. Release of the revised draft is anticipated after the completion of the Planning Department’s Blueprint SD initiative later this year, which will help to support the work needed for the environmental analysis for the Clairemont Community Plan Update. The Planning Department will share the revised draft community plan with the Community Planning Group to provide for additional community review and input prior to releasing the draft environmental document.
September 1, 2021
Planning Commission Workshop #3
On September 23rd, 2021, the Planning Commission will be having an informational workshop on the Draft Clairemont Community Plan. The workshop is being held to obtain input from the Planning Commission on the Draft Clairemont Community Plan Update land use map, policies, design concepts, as well as to discuss community comments and issues. Please click HERE for the Planning Commission agenda, meeting materials, and how to provide public comment.
July 12, 2021
Clairemont CPG: Draft Plan Review Continues on July 20th
The next meeting of the Clairemont Community Planning Group (CCPG) is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20th, 2021, to review the final elements: Conservation, Noise, and Historic Preservation Elements of the Draft Community Plan. Public Review of the Draft will close on August 17th. See meeting agenda HERE.
June 14, 2021
Clairemont CPG: Draft Plan Review Continues on June 15th
The Clairemont Community Planning Group (CCPG) will have it's 2nd meeting on the Draft Plan on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 - providing input on the Urban Design Element, Public Facilities, Services & Safety Element, and Recreation Element. See meeting agenda HERE.
May 19, 2021
Clairemont CPG begins Draft Plan Review
The Clairemont Community Planning Group (CCPG) completed the first of 3 meetings to review the Draft Clairemont Community Plan - providing input on the Introduction, Land Use and Economic Prosperity Element, and Mobility Element. See presentation HERE.
The CCPG will be providing input on the Urban Design Element, Public Facilities, Services & Safety Element, and Recreation Element at their next meeting on Wednesday, June 15, 2021. Check the Documents Page for the agenda and any other meeting details.
About Clairemont Engaged
Find out more about Clairemont Community Plan Update.
News and Updates
Find out more about Clairemont Community Plan Update.
Project Schedule
Learn about key project milestones and the schedule for completing the 3-year project.
Contact Us
Let us know if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.
Get Engaged
Opportunities to provide comments and share ideas will be announced here.
May 5, 2021
NOW AVAILABLE - DRAFT Clairemont Community Plan
The Draft Clairemont Community Plan is now available for review on the Documents page of the project website or by clicking HERE.
Please share and discuss your comments on the draft plan at the next Clairemont Community Planning Group meeting or send them to Marlon I. Pangilinan, Senior Planner at mpangilinan@sandiego.gov. The public comment period will end on July 21, 2021.