About Clairemont Engaged
Learn more about why the Clairemont Community Plan Update is needed, what the community plan update does, and does not do.

The Clairemont Community Plan Update is a three-year comprehensive outreach and planning project to help create the Clairemont of tomorrow. The Community Plan Update will result in a plan for future growth and development that is specific to the Clairemont community and identifies a vision and strategies to support community character. The Community Plan Update will be developed through close collaboration between the City and the public. Ultimately, the Clairemont Community Plan Update will be analyzed in an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and presented to decision-makers (Planning Commission / City Council).
Creating the Clairemont of Tomorrow
Clairemont is facing a challenge. Housing costs continue to climb, while the availability and variety of that housing continues to drop. At the same time, we have a growing population and many of our existing residents (kids who grew up in the community) are seeking a greater variety of housing types and price ranges than the community currently provides. Additionally, there is a need for enhanced parks, an improved and more accessible mobility network with protections that help guide growth, as opposed to reacting to it. More still, with the threat of global warning there is a need to find ways to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet state mandates by 2035.
To make all this happen, we need a roadmap. Called the Clairemont Community Plan, this plan hasn’t been updated since 1989 and a lot has changed since then. Working closely with the public, the City will update the plan with community-oriented solutions to these challenges that respect the unique character and quality of Clairemont.
What the Community Plan Does
It provides community-specific, tailored policies and a long-range physical development guide for City staff, decision makers, property owners, and citizens engaged in community development.
It identifies a vision and strategies to support community character and establishes goals and policies to address land use, mobility, urban design, and public facilities.
A component of the City of San Diego’s General Plan, it is a long-term blueprint for the future and provides location-based policies and recommendations.
What the Community Plan Does Not Do
It does not guarantee growth. The community plan provides options and opportunities for new housing and employment. It does not require property owners to redevelop or guarantee that development will happen.
It is not a maintenance document. The community plan is a long-range policy and regulatory document that identifies future infrastructure needs. It is not a plan to address current infrastructure deficiencies or deferred maintenance.
It does not approve specific projects. The community plan establishes policy and regulatory direction—all future projects will still go through an approval process.
Environmental Document
An environmental document will accompany the release of the second draft of the Clairemont Community Plan Update.
Why do we need a community plan update?
Population and Demographics are Changing
Accommodating varying housing choices and business opportunities will meet the needs of the community.
Protects our Quality of Life
Planning for future housing and businesses helps avoid the negative consequences of unplanned growth and ensures it will provide community benefits.
Financing Necessary Infrastructure
Addresses future infrastructure demand and ensures it meets community needs.
Addresses Climate Change
Identifies improvements to safe and accessible travel for bicycles, pedestrians, transit users, and vehicles while reducing impacts on the environment.