Get Engaged
Your Voice Matters! There are multiple ways to get engaged in the Clairemont Community Plan Update process.

There are multiple ways to get engaged in the community plan update:
Community Dialogue Sessions: The City will be conducting Community Dialogue Sessions throughout the community to bring awareness and attention to the community plan update.
Provide Feedback Online: The Online Community Engagement Tool was utilized to allow participants to provide input regarding land use options that will inform the Community Plan Update. Click on the button below to learn more about the tool and provide your input.
Sign-Up for Email Updates: Find out when public meetings are being held, online engagement activities are launched, or new information is posted on this website.
Get In Touch
City of San Diego - Planning Department
The Clairemont Community Plan Update encompasses the following Council Districts:
District 2 - Jennifer Campbell, Council Member
(619) 236-6622
District 6 - Kent Lee, Council Member
(619) 236-6616
Sign-up here to receive emails when new news and updates are published.
By filling out this form, you are consenting to receive e-mail communication from the City of San Diego. Your e-mail will be used for the Clairemont Community Plan Update-related communications only, and will never be sold or shared.